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free fall中文

用"free fall"造句"free fall" in a sentence"free fall"怎麼讀"free fall"的同義詞


  • 1.(跳傘的)自由降落;降落傘張開以前的降落。


  • Chute gave out , free fall three thousand feet ,
  • Chute gave out , free fall three thousand feet ,
  • The fed might try to prevent a free fall in the dollar ' s price by driving interest rates still higher
  • Interchangeable single - chamber silos free fall for use with lift - off and dumper vehicles - connecting dimensions and requirements
  • In late september figures showed that the american housing market was in free fall , with both sales and prices plunging
  • Optics and optical instruments - environmental test methods - part 13 : combined shock , bump or free fall and dry heat or cold iso 9022 - 13 : 1998
  • During an air display show , a free falling parachute team suddenly disappears into thin air before a watching crown
    電影‘偷尸賊的入侵’講述在航空展? [會,當降落傘隊在天空徐徐落下時,突然在觀眾前消失得無影無蹤。
  • Of mitsubishi , once one of the hottest car brands , in a free fall , the company ' s executives are trying to engineer a turnaround
  • But newspapers , perhaps the ultimate trophy asset even as the industry appears to be in a free fall , may be too much even for previously successful business executives
  • In fact , if our sun suddenly became a black hole , the orbits of all the planets would not change at all . so what will happen if someone is free falling into a black hole
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"free fall"造句  


  • a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity; "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"; "a dip in prices"; "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"
    同義詞:drop, dip, fall,

  • the ideal falling motion of something subject only to a gravitational field


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